Presently, escort life policies and ethics have become much stronger and stricter than ever. No high class escorts reveal their original entities. Though one prominent reason behind this is to keep personal life separate from professional one but there are many more.
Before getting registration at any reputed escort agency the escorts need to sign a contract paper where it is clearly mentioned that registered candidates are not allowed to reveal their actual entity. This specific clause is included not only for protecting escorts from hassles but also for preserving agency’s fame.
Every escort needs to abide by this clause in order to get the registration done. Community, class, religion, nation and family details are not to be disclosed ever. Even if the client asks then also the escorts cannot reveal these facts. In fact, the agencies also do not share these details directly with their clients for maintaining standard escort industry norms.
How clients identify escorts?
Stylish look and agency’s registration-id are the only two things with the help of which clients easily identify their desirable escorts. In fact, all high class escorts register themselves with pseudo names so that nobody can track their real identity. Clients are definitely allowed to share all their personal life secrets but the escorts are not allowed to do so.
If the clients want to hire the same escort again and again then they just need to mention the profile-id and their bookings will be made with the chosen agency. Registered escorts are not even allowed exchanging their contact numbers. If found then their registrations might get canceled forever. This is a strict warning which needs to be abided by all registered escorts.
Why escorts do not share their emotions with clients?
Emotions and professionalism do not go in parallel. Emotions are very much personal and since the escorts are not allowed disclosing anything about their personal life, therefore, they cannot show their emotions either.
The escorts can surely console their distressed clients and can support them mentally but they cannot flow in that stream of emotion. This is why, only emotionally stable and strong escorts are absorbed as high-profile escorts in the present age. In fact, the agencies also take various tests of their emotional stability and if they pass then only they are finally hired.
In this industry, emotional escorts cannot stay long rather they are being replaced smoothly by highly professional beings. To be precise, for staying in this field for long escorts should know how to control their emotions in front of clients. In fact, many escorts attend special counseling sessions in order to get rid of emotional attacks.
These sessions are really quite helpful and they cater a great emotional strength to escorts. Emotion is one of the biggest enemies of any professional escort and it can destroy career prospect like anything. Sometimes, escort agencies take special initiatives for training escorts how to control emotions in the best possible manner. High class escorts who have been working in this industry for long know well that emotions will not fetch them revenues at all.